Palevsky (bold), Lab group member, *co-lead authors

Manuscripts in Review:                                                               

Walker, S. L. and H. I. Palevsky (in review). Ocean carbon export flux projections in CMIP6 Earth System Models across multiple export depth horizons, in review at Global Biogeochemical Cycles. [preprint]

Weissman, J. L. et al; H. I. Palevsky in alphabetical listing of authors in the Queer and Trans in Biology Consortium (in review). Running a queer- and trans-inclusive faculty hiring process, in review at PLoS Biology.

Miller, U. K., Fogaren, K., Atamanchuk, D., Johnson, C., Koelling, J., Le Bras, I., Lindeman, M., Nagao, H., Nicholson, D. P., Palevsky, H. I., Park, E., Yoder, M., and Palter, J. B. (in revision) Oxygen optodes on oceanographic moorings: recommendations for deployment and in-situ calibration, in revision at Frontiers in Marine Sciences.

Fried, N., Biló, T. C., Johns, W., Katsman, C. A., Fogaren, K. E., Yoder, M. F., Palevsky, H. I., Straneo, F. & de Jong, M. F. (in revision). Freshening over the whole water column as a result of the 2012 subpolar freshwater anomaly increased the transport of lighter waters of the Irminger Current between 2014-2022. In revision at Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. [preprint]

de Jong, M. F., K. E. Fogaren, I. A. Le Bras, L. T. McRaven, H. I. Palevsky (in revision). Convection in the central Irminger Sea; insights into variability and the roles of surface forcing and stratification from 19 years of high resolution mooring data. In revision at Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. [preprint]

Peer-reviewed publications:

[20] Yoder, M. F., Palevsky, H. I., & Fogaren, K. E. (2024). Net community production and inorganic carbon cycling in the central Irminger Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans129(7), e2024JC021027.

[19] Palevsky, H. I.*, S. Clayton*, H. Benway, M. Maheigan, D. Atamanchuk, R. Battisti, J. Batryn, A. Bourbonnais, E. M. Briggs, F. Carvalho, A. P. Chase, R. Eveleth, R. Fatland, K. E. Fogaren, J. P. Fram, S. E. Hartman, I. Le Bras, C. C. M. Manning, J. A. Needoba, M. B. Neely, H. Oliver, A. C. Reed, J. E. Rheuban, C. Schallenberg, I. Walsh, C. Wingard, K. Bauer, B. Chen, J. Cuevas, S. Flecha, M. Horwith, M. Melendez, Tyler Menz, S. Rivero-Calle, N. P. Roden, T. Steinhoff, P. N. Trucco-Pignata, M. F. Vardaro, M. Yoder (2024) A Model for Community-driven Development of Best Practices: The Ocean Observatories Initiative Biogeochemical Sensor Data Best Practices and User Guide. Frontiers in Marine Science: Best Practices in Ocean Observing. 11, 1358591.

[18] Canfield K. N., Sterling A. R., Hernández, C. M., Chu, S. N., Edwards, B. R., Fontaine, D. N., Freese, J. M., Giroux, M. S., Jones, A. E., McCarty, A. J., Morrissette, H. K., Palevsky, H. I., Raker, C. E., Robuck, A. R., Serrato Marks, G., Thibodeau, P. S., Windle, A. E. (2023) Building an inclusive wave in marine science: Sense of belonging and Society for Women in Marine Science symposia. Progress in Oceanography, 218,

[17] Palevsky, H.I.*, S. Clayton*, D. Atamanchuk, R. Battisti, J. Batryn, A. Bourbonnais, E. M. Briggs, F. Carvalho, A.P. Chase, R. Eveleth, R. Fatland, K. E. Fogaren, J.P. Fram, S.E. Hartman, I. Le Bras, C.C.M. Manning, J.A. Needoba, M.B. Neely, H. Oliver, A.C. Reed, J.E. Rheuban, C. Schallenberg, M.F. Vardaro, I. Walsh, C. Wingard (2023). OOI Biogeochemical Sensor Data: Best Practices & User Guide, Version 1.1.1. Ocean Observatories Initiative Biogeochemical Sensor Data Working Group, 135 pp. Endorsed by the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS)

[16] Henson, S. A., C. Laufkötter, S. Leung, S. L. C. Giering, H. I. Palevsky, & E. L. Cavan (2022). Uncertain response of ocean biological carbon export in a changing world, Nature Geoscience, 15(4), 248-254,

[15] Clayton, S., H. I. Palevsky, L. Thompson, and P. D. Quay (2021), Synoptic mesoscale variability in biological productivity and chlorophyll in the Kuroshio Extension region, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 126, e2021JC017782.

[14] Palevsky, H. I. and S. C. Doney (2021). Sensitivity of 21st century ocean carbon export flux projections to the choice of export depth horizon, Global Biogeochemical Cycles,

[13] Quay, P. D., S. Emerson, and H. I. Palevsky (2020). Regional Pattern of the Ocean’s Biological Pump Based on Geochemical Observations. Geophysical Research Letters, 47,

[12] Greengrove, C., C. S. Lichtenwalner, H. I. Palevsky, A. Pfeiffer-Herbert, S. Severmann, D. Soule, S. Murphy, L. M. Smith, and K. Yarincik (2020). Using Authentic Data from NSF’s Ocean Observatories Initiative in Undergraduate Teaching: An Invitation. Oceanography, 33(1): 62-73,

[11] Todd, R. E. et. al. (2019); H. I. Palevsky in alphabetical listing of 72 authors). Global perspectives on observing ocean boundary current systems. Frontiers in Marine Science, 6, 423, https://doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00423.

[10] Fuchsman, C. A., H. I. Palevsky, B. Widner, M. Duffy, M. C. G. Carlson, J. A. Neibauer, M. R. Mulholland, R. G. Keil, A. H. Devol, and G. Rocap (2019). Cyanobacteria and cyanophage contributions to carbon and nitrogen cycling in an oligotrophic oxygen-deficient zone. The ISME Journal,

[9] Fassbender, A. J., K. Rodgers, H. I. Palevsky, and C. L. Sabine (2018). Seasonal asymmetry in the evolution of surface ocean pCO2 and pH thermodynamic drivers and the influence on sea-air CO2 flux. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 32, https://doi: 10.1029/2017GB005855.

[8] Palevsky, H. I. and S. C. Doney (2018). How choice of depth horizon influences the estimated spatial patterns and global magnitude of ocean carbon export flux. Geophysical Research Letters, 45,

[7] Palevsky, H. I. and D. P. Nicholson (2018). The North Atlantic biological pump: Insights from the Ocean Observatories Initiative Irminger Sea Array. Oceanography, 31(1): 42-49,

[6] Fassbender, A. J., H. I. Palevsky, T. R. Martz, A. E. Ingalls, M. Gledhill, S. E. Fawcett, J. Brandes, L. Aluwihare, and the participants of COME ABOARD and DISCO XXV (2017). Perspectives on Chemical Oceanography in the 21st Century: Participants of the COME ABOARD Meeting examine aspects of the field in the context of 40 years of DISCO, Marine Chemistry, 196, 181-190,

[5] Fassbender, A.J., C. L. Sabine, and H. I. Palevsky (2017), Non-uniform ocean acidification and attenuation of the ocean carbon sink, Geophysical Research Letters, 44,

[4] Palevsky, H. I. and P. D. Quay (2017), Influence of the biological pump on ocean carbon uptake over the annual cycle across the North Pacific Ocean, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 31,

[3] Palevsky, H. I., P. D. Quay, and D. P. Nicholson (2016), Discrepant estimates of primary and export production from satellite algorithms, a biogeochemical model, and geochemical tracer measurements in the North Pacific Ocean, Geophysical Research Letters, 43,

[2] Palevsky, H. I., P. D. Quay, D. E. Lockwood, and D. P. Nicholson (2016), The annual cycle of gross primary production, net community production and export efficiency across the North Pacific Ocean, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 30,

[1] Palevsky, H. I., F. Ribalet, J. E. Swalwell, C. E. Cosca, E. D. Cokelet, R. A. Feely, E. V. Armbrust, P. D. Quay (2013) The influence of net community production and phytoplankton community structure on CO2 uptake in the Gulf of Alaska. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 27, 664-676,

Other published works:

Fogaren, K. E., Palevsky, H. I. (2024) Bottle-calibrated dissolved oxygen (DO) profiles from US Overturning in the Subpolar North Atlantic Program (OSNAP) cruises in 2020 and 2022 (AR45 and AR69-03). Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO).

Palevsky, H. I., Yoder, M., Nicholson, D. P., Fogaren, K. E. (2024) Discrete sample measurements of dissolved oxygen, dissolved inorganic carbon, and total alkalinity from US Overturning in the Subpolar North Atlantic Program (OSNAP) cruises in 2020 and 2022 (AR45 and AR69-03). Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO).

Fogaren, K. E., Palevsky, H. I. (2023) Bottle-calibrated dissolved oxygen profiles from yearly turn-around cruises for the Ocean Observations Initiative (OOI) Irminger Sea Array 2014 – 2022. Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO).

Palevsky, H. I., Fogaren, K. E., Nicholson, D. P., Yoder, M. (2023) Supplementary discrete sample measurements of dissolved oxygen, dissolved inorganic carbon, and total alkalinity from Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) cruises to the Irminger Sea Array 2018-2019. Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO).

Atamanchuk, D., J. Palter, H. I. Palevsky, I. Le Bras, J. Koelling, and D. Nicholson (2022). Linking oxygen and carbon uptake with the meridional overturning circulation using a transport mooring array. p. 9 in Frontiers in Ocean Observing: Documenting Ecosystems, Understanding Environmental Changes, Forecasting Hazards. E.S. Kappel, S.K. Juniper, S. Seeyave, E. Smith, and M. Visbeck, eds, A Supplement to Oceanography 34(4),

Palevsky, H. I. Using OOI data to teach data analysis and scientific computing skills in upper-level courses, in “Data Labs in the Classroom: Teaching Tips from the Community” on the OOI Data Lab Blog, (2021).

Palevsky, H. I. “The biological carbon pump: A new view from the OOI” in Ocean Observatories Initiative Facility Board. 2021. Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) Science Plan: Exciting Science Opportunities using OOI Data. DOI:

Palevsky, Hilary. “Ocean Acidification and Oysters” Climate Science for the Classroom edited by Bertram and Biyani, 2019.

Gezelius, S. S., T. J. Hegland, H. I. Palevsky, J. Raakjær, (2008) “The Politics of Implementation in Resource Conservation: Comparing the EU/Denmark and Norway,” in S.S. Gezelius, J. Raakjær (eds.), Making Fisheries Management Work, 207-229, Springer Science+Business Media B.V.